Integrated Razorpay within 2 Weeks to Create Flawless Invoicing Experience

Everything from ordering a meal, booking a cab, to pay your bill has shifted to mobile today. And without any
Save Your Time With AMI Cleanup Pipeline

What is the AMI Cleanup Pipeline? The AMI Cleanup pipeline helps you clean up your old unused AMI and related snapshots. Goals
How to Select an AWS Database?

Choosing a database is a comparatively long-term commitment for any organization including startups. Even if you code an app within
The Ultimate Cost of AWS Migration Checklist

Migrating to the cloud is the need of the hour for any business. It is a well-established fact that the AWS Cloud environment
Log4j threats: Everything you should know about

Our Log4J blog has been the highest-ranked blog for AAIC. This is the worst vulnerability in the last 10 years
Click to Consult uses Serverless Backend Solution to better reduce infrastructure costs and implement modernized solutions.

Click to Consult uses Serverless Backend Solution to reduce infrastructure costs better and implement modernized solutions. Client Information Click to
Implemented a Secure and Scalable Infrastructure on AWS

Implemented a secure and scalable infrastructure on AWS The Challenge Cutshort wanted to deploy its solution infrastructure in AWS that
7 Targets goes Serverless in AWS Cloud to achieve AI-based Email Assistant

7 Targets goes Serverless in AWS Cloud to achieve AI-based Email Assistant with scalable and working solution for send and

Executive Summary EMFI Group is an intelligence-driven financial services company with a focus on global emerging markets. EMFI delivers up-to-date
The Worst Security Vulnerability In Last 10 Years

Many of you are working hard on fixing the new and serious Log4j 2 vulnerability CVE-2021-44228, which has a 10.0 CVSS